#1 – Turtle, Turtle…: This sounds funny, but it’s actually a big help for those of us that have to worry about “cough, cough” our chin. Like a turtle, stick that neck out. The trick though, is to not strain or lift your chin up. Your chin should be pointed down but stretched out. Keep your entire face on the same plane. Bring your forehead out slightly if needed. The last part is bringing your tongue to the top of your mouth. This will help elongate your neck and reduce any appearance of a double chin. You may want to practice this in the mirror, but we will help you along the way.

#2 – Stay relaxed: This is so important. We work hard to gain your trust and confidence and therefore, you will be more relaxed. If you are relaxed, it will show in the images and they will be effortless. Being relaxed will also help bring out your natural smile. On your wedding day, you will be in many photos. Smiling is something that you will be doing in many of those photos. If you stay relaxed, you’ll be able to pull through all of them knowing that you look amazing.

#3 – Think happy thoughts: One of the most important things you can do during your wedding. It’s usually pretty easy though consider that you are marrying the person of your dreams. There are times we will ask you to be a little more serious (not a full “cheese” smile). But it’s your wedding day and we don’t want any frowns on your big day. Just thinking happy thoughts changes your eyes and the rest of your face and brings on the “smolder”.

#4 – Angles: Ladies, it’s all about the angle that you are to the camera. Keep that weight all on your back leg (the one farthest away from the camera). I do this by pointing my front toe. This will give your whole body a nice “S” shape. Angle your front hip at a 45-degree angle to the camera. This will show you in the best way and we will help direct you to the perfect angle. Guys, you have it easy, you can be at an angle or straight on to the camera. Being straight on will give you a more masculine feel. But angling will allow you to be closer to your sweetie.

#5 – We usually get the question “what do I do with my hands?”. We’re here to help with that. Guys can put their fingers in the pockets, thumbs out. Or the opposite, thumb in and fingers out. Hands on holding your suit jacket like those GQ models. We’ll help you decide which one looks better for you. But with a couple, there are usually many places for your hands to go. You’ll be holding hands, arms around each other, touching each other, hugging. But of course, as this is your wedding day, you want to be in contact with the one that you love, and we are here to capture all of those memories.